Current Info User Agreement

Last updated: August 14, 2022

Date of issue: May 6, 2022

Special reminder

1. Before you begin to use the software, products and related services provided by us, please read and decide whether to agree with the Current Info User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"), Current Info Privacy Policy and other relevant agreements and business rules. Please carefully read and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the limitation or exemption clause, as well as the separate agreement for opening or using a certain service. Important contents such as restrictions or exclusions will be prompted for your attention in bold form. Please read them carefully.

2. If you disagree with the task content of this agreement, or cannot accurately understand this clause, please do not use the software products or services provided by us; Your behavior of viewing, downloading, publishing information content and using this software product will be deemed that you have read and agreed to be bound by this agreement and relevant agreements and rules.

3. If you are a minor under the age of 18 or have other circumstances that do not have the civil capacity to adapt to the user's behavior, before using the service, you must read this agreement and obtain the consent of your parents or guardians accompanied by your parents or guardians, and use the service described in this agreement in the presence of your parents or guardians. In this case, you and your parents or guardians shall bear all the consequences arising therefrom in accordance with the law.

I. User information protection

1. We will use the collected personal information and other information legally in accordance with the provisions of laws and the provisions of this privacy policy and in order to realize the functions of our products and/or services.

2. After collecting your personal information and other information, we may de-identify or anonymize such information by technical means according to the provisions of the law, as the case may be. The de-identified information will not identify the user subject, but may be combined with other information to identify the user subjectThe anonymized information will not identify the user subject, and the processed information cannot be restored

three [Use Authorization]Please note that all personal information and other information you provide when using our products and/or services will continue to be authorized for use by us during your use of our products and/or services unless you delete it or refuse to collect it through system settings.

4. We will make statistics on the use of our products and/or services, and may share these statistical information with the public or third parties (including but not limited to the communication service providers who send email or push notifications on our behalf, the map service providers who provide location data for us, and financial service providers, etc.) to show the overall use trend of our products and/or services, Or maintain and improve our services, but these statistics do not contain any identification information of you.

5. We will only share your personal information and other information for legitimate purposes. At the same time, we will desensitize your information by means of content replacement and anonymous processing to protect the security of your personal information and other information.

II. Service content

1. The specific content of the application is provided by "We" according to the actual situation, including but not limited to the inclusion and sharing of authorized users. "We" have the right to upgrade or other adjustments to the service or product form provided by it, and notify users in the form of APP website content update, not separately.

2. If the user obtains the software or the installation program with the same name as the software from a legally authorized third party, the application will not guarantee the normal use of the software, and will not be responsible for any losses caused to the user

3. In order to improve user experience and service content, the application will provide software update service from time to time, which may take the form of software replacement, modification, function enhancement, version upgrade, etc. After the new version of the software is released, the old version of the software may not be available. Please download the latest version in time

4. Users using the software services provided by the application need to prepare the terminal equipment related to the relevant services (such as computers, mobile devices, etc.) and bear the required costs (such as network bandwidth fees, mobile traffic fees, etc.)

5. A specific service or function in the software may be provided by a third-party partner. We will mark the information of the third-party partner in the relevant page. Please read and agree to the relevant agreement before using the specific service or function. In case of any dispute, loss or damage arising from the services provided by the third party partner, you shall solve it with the third party by yourself.

2. In case of major changes, we will inform you in a more suggestive way, including but not limited to sending email, letters, phone calls, push notifications, etc. The major changes referred to in this privacy policy include but are not limited to:

III. User Code of Conduct

Users shall not engage in the following behaviors when using application services

1. Publish, transmit, disseminate and store the following illegal information:

2. Publish, transmit, disseminate and store the following bad information:

If the user uses this software to engage in the above but not limited to the above illegal and bad operations, which causes corresponding legal or moral problems, the user shall bear the above risks

IV. Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights including but not limited to software, technology, programs, web pages and other intellectual property rights in instant tool software belong to us. Users shall not engage in the following activities:

V. Advertising service

The application uses the advertising services provided by AdMob to provide users with personalized advertising services. Specific advertising content is provided by the above advertising platform. For details of the above third-party advertising services, please refer to the description of third-party advertising services in the "Privacy Policy"

1. The user agrees that it can send advertising, promotion or promotional information (including commercial and non-commercial information) to the user by itself or by a third party advertiser in the process of providing the service, and its mode and scope can be changed without special notice to the user

2. The application shall perform the relevant obligations to the advertiser according to the provisions of the law. The user shall judge the authenticity of the advertising information by himself and be responsible for his own judgment. Except as expressly provided by the law, the application shall not be liable for the loss or damage suffered by the user due to the transaction conducted according to the advertising information or the content provided by the aforesaid advertiser