User Agreement

Latest update date: July 30, 2023

Release date: July 30, 2023

Special reminder

1 Before you begin using the software, products, and related services we provide, please read and decide whether you agree to the "Land Area User Service Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement"), "Land Area Privacy Policy", and other related agreements and business rules. Please carefully read and fully understand the content of each clause, especially the limitation or exemption clause, as well as the separate agreement for opening or using a certain service. Important content such as restrictions or exemptions will be highlighted in bold for your attention. Please read carefully.

2 If you have objections to the task content of this agreement or are unable to accurately understand this clause, please do not use the software products or services we provide; Your viewing, downloading, publishing information, and usage of this software product will be deemed as having read and agreed to be bound by this agreement and related agreements and rules.

3 If you are a minor under the age of 18 or have other circumstances that do not have civil capacity suitable for the user's behavior, before using the service, please be sure to read this agreement with your parents or guardians and obtain their consent, and use the service described in this agreement in the presence of your parents or guardians. In this case, you and your parents or guardians shall bear all consequences arising from it in accordance with legal provisions.

1. User Information Protection

1. We will lawfully use the personal information and other information collected in accordance with legal provisions and the provisions of this privacy policy, in order to achieve the functionality of our products and/or services.

2. After collecting your personal information and other information, we may de identify or Data anonymization such information by technical means in accordance with the provisions of the law, as the case may be. The de identified information will not identify the user subject, but may be combined with other information to identify the user subjectThe Data anonymization information will not identify the user subject, and the processed information cannot be restored

three [Authorization for Use]Please note that all personal and other information provided by you when using our products and/or services will continue to be authorized for use by us during your use of our products and/or services, unless you delete it or refuse our collection through system settings.

4. We will conduct statistics on the usage of our products and/or services, and may share this statistical information with the public or third parties (including but not limited to communication service providers who send emails or push notifications on our behalf, map service providers who provide location data for us, and financial service providers) to display the overall usage trends of our products and/or services, Or maintain and improve our services, but these statistics do not include any identification information for you.

5. We will only share your personal and other information for legitimate purposes, and we will use methods including content replacement and anonymous processing to desensitize your information to protect the security of your personal and other information.

2. Service Content

1. The specific content of the application shall be provided by "We" according to the actual situation, including but not limited to authorized users' inclusion, sharing, etc. "We" have the right to upgrade or make other adjustments to the services or product forms provided by them, and notify users through the update of APP/website content, without notifying users separately.

2. If the user obtains the software or the installation program with the same name as the software from a legally authorized third party, the application will not be able to guarantee the normal use of the software, and will not be responsible for any loss caused to the user

In order to enhance user experience and improve service content, the application will provide software update services from time to time, which may take the form of software replacement, modification, functional enhancement, version upgrade, etc. After the release of a new version of the software, the old version may not be usable. Please download the latest version promptly

4. Users who use the software services provided by the application must prepare their own terminal devices related to the relevant services (such as computers, mobile devices, etc.) and bear the necessary costs (such as network bandwidth fees, mobile traffic fees, etc.)

5. A specific service or function in the software may be provided by a third-party partner. We will mark the information of the third-party partner on the relevant page. Please read and agree to the relevant agreement before using the specific service or function. If disputes, losses or damages arise due to services provided by third-party partners, you shall resolve them with the third party on your own.

If there are significant changes, we will inform you in a more informative manner, including but not limited to sending emails, letters, phone calls, push notifications, etc. The significant changes referred to in this privacy policy include but are not limited to:

III. User Behavior Standards

Users are not allowed to engage in the following behaviors when using application services

1. Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store the following illegal information:

  • (1) Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitutionl
  • (2) Those who endanger national security and unity, leak national secrets, subvert national power, and undermine national unityl
  • (3) Damage to national honor and interests
  • (4) Distorting, vilifying, blaspheming, or denying the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, and infringing upon the name, portrait, reputation, or honor of heroes and martyrs through insults, slanders, or other meansl
  • (5) Propagandizing terrorism, extremism, or inciting the implementation of terrorist or extremist activitiesl
  • (6) Inciting ethnic hatred, discrimination, and undermining ethnic unityl
  • (7) Disrupting national religious policies, promoting cults and feudal superstitions
  • (8) Spreading rumors and disrupting economic and social orderl
  • (9) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimel
  • (10) Insulting or defaming others, infringing on their reputation, privacy, and other legitimate rights and interestsl
  • (11) Other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulationsl

2. Publish, transmit, disseminate, and store the following harmful information:

  • (1) Using exaggerated titles, where the content is severely inconsistent with the title
  • (2) Hyping up rumors, scandals, bad deeds, etcl
  • (3) Improper evaluation of natural disasters, major accidents, and other disastersl
  • (4) It is easy to make people with Sexual suggestiveness, sexual provocation, etc

IV. Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights of the package in the multi image compression software, including but not limited to software, technology, programs, web pages, etc., belong to us. Users are not allowed to engage in the following behaviors:

  • 1. Remove information about copyright from the software and its copiesl
  • 2. Reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the softwarel
  • 3. Use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, assemble, publish, publish, establish mirror sites, etc. of the intellectual property rights of this software, and unauthorized use of this software and related information to develop related derivative products, works, services, plugins, plugins, compatibility, interconnection, etc;
  • 4. Copy, modify, add, delete, hook up, run or create any derivative works of the software or data released into any terminal memory during software operation, interactive data between client and server during software operation, and system data necessary for software operation, including but not limited to access software and related systems using plug-ins, plug-ins or third-party tools/services without legal authorization;
  • 5. Modify or forge instructions or data during software operation, add, delete, or alter the functionality or operational effectiveness of the software, or operate or disseminate software or methods used for the aforementioned purposes to the public, regardless of whether the above actions are for commercial purposesl
  • 6. Conduct any behavior that endangers computer network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts; Unauthorized access to public computer networks or other computer systems and deletion, modification, or addition of stored information; Attempting to detect, scan, test vulnerabilities in this software system or network without permission, or engaging in other behaviors that disrupt network security; Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of this software system or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other behaviors that disrupt and disrupt normal network information services; Forgery of TCP/IP packet names or partial names;
  • 7. By modifying or forging instructions, data, or data packets during the operation of software works, adding, deleting, or altering the functionality or operational effects of the software, and disseminating or operating software used for the aforementioned purposes to the public through information networksl

V. Advertising Services

The application uses advertising services provided by Tencent and AdMob to provide users with advertising services. The specific advertising content is provided by the above advertising platforms. The specific situation of the third-party advertising services mentioned above can be found in the "Privacy Policy" for the description of third-party advertising servicesp

1. The user agrees that they may send advertisements, promotions, or promotional information (including commercial and non commercial information) to the user themselves or by third-party advertisers during the process of providing the service. The method and scope may be changed without special notice to the userp

2. The application shall fulfill relevant obligations to advertisers in accordance with the provisions of the law. Users shall make their own judgment on the authenticity of advertising information and be responsible for their own judgment. Unless otherwise specified by law, the application shall not be liable for any losses or damages suffered by users due to transactions conducted based on the advertising information or the content provided by the aforementioned advertisers